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The necessity of linking your points cohesively so that your ideas have impact

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By Thomas Javanaud  | Kaplan IELTS Trainer

Cohesive devices have a part to play in all four sections of the IELTS test. In the written test you will be assessed on your coherence and cohesion, in the speaking test you will be judged on your fluency and coherence and in the reading and listening sections of the IELTS test you will follow the ideas of the writer or speaker with greater ease if you have a solid grasp of cohesive devices.

Cohesion is the notion of fitting independent parts together seamlessly. I would like to make it clear that although a list of cohesive devices can be easily accessed online or in the table provided below, it is essential that you do not list your points and mechanically use cohesive devices, as this will be viewed unfavourably. Instead, cohesive devices should be integrated into your work to make it clear to the reader or listener that you wish to re-emphasise a point or present another side of an argument. Superb craftsmanship and excellent cooking create balance through their products and dishes respectively. Equally great writing balances the emphasis of important ideas whilst contrasting equally crucial counter points. Adding too much salt, sugar, chili, or vinegar to a dish at the wrong moment can be compared to adding too many arbitrarily selected cohesive devices into a paragraph which will detract from your argument. Nevertheless, when used effortlessly, cohesive devices create dramatic effect and emphasis, albeit subtly and gently so that they appear unnoticed, whilst adding significant value to your work as a whole.     

Mr. Thomas Javanaud 

Kaplan IELTS Trainer

BSc in Philosophy (LSE)


  • Strong in delivering test-taking skills and test tips to students
  • Understand the needs of every type of students and eager to help them achieve their potentials
  • Focus on teaching, academic management and course development
  • Has experience in teaching IELTS, General English, Business English and TOEFL for more than 7 years
  • Specialized in IELTS teaching in his TESOL
  • Graduated from a prestigious university

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