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The Best Teacher To Ask For A Recommendation

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By Tina Wu | Lead Admissions Counselor, Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions

When it comes to asking for recommendations for US college applications, your first instinct may be to ask the teacher who has consistently given you an A. But consider the following carefully: could he or she give admissions officers context beyond your academic performance, speak to your character and growth? In my experience, the best recommendations often come from teachers who have seen students struggle with a particular subject and how these students overcame these challenges, including seeking extra help.

Top colleges value “grit” – admissions officers are always looking for evidence on how students would react when they are challenged academically and intellectually. Teacher recommendations often offer third-party evaluation of the students’ work ethics and potential. The best recommendations are usually rich in context, specific, and storied; start considering how you can build a good rapport with your teacher today!



Ms. Tina Wu

Lead Admissions Counselor
Member of IECA 
M.B.A., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
BSc. In Accounting and Finance, New York University – Stern School of Business

  • A passionate mentor to students
  • Emphasis on understanding and developing her students’ strengths, positioning their potential to admissions office in the best possible light
  • Over 10 years of experience in helping students gain admissions to top boarding schools and colleges in the U.S.
  • Matriculation includes: Cornell University, University of Michigan, NYU, University of Virginia, UCLA and UC Berkeley

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