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What is Your Intention for Pursuing Elite School Admissions?

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By Hubert Ho | Head of Admissions Consulting Services, Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions

I have been asked for so many times how to build an attractive and invincible student’s profile for applying Ivy League schools and G5 universities. The answer seems simple, but it is difficult to understand. It requires students to have a very thorough self-understanding and strong self-awareness to answer that question. You need to understand your true INTENTION for pursuing elite school admissions.

Desire vs. Opinion

For most of the youngsters, it is very easy to fall into a trap in treating peers’ or parents’ opinion as their own desire. Peer influence and parent influence have somehow dominated their thoughts and pretending what they say is what they want. When the students try to work towards the direction, they will find “road-blocks” that are hard for them to remove. The most common reason is that the path is not their true passion, and they only have little interests in it.

It is always a good thing to start with the true intention for doing something, that’s your true desire! Parents always like to ask me what type of students possess a great potential to get admitted by elite schools. My answer is “students who have a desire to get admitted”. Without that desire, it is hard to transform their potentials into real actions.

Necessary Preparation

If you are one of the youngsters who would like to get admitted to Ivy League or G5 university, here are some essential attributes that you should have before anything else:

  • The Right Intention
    You will need to find out the “true” reasons for going to Ivy League or G5. You need to find out what you would like to get from them to achieve your ultimate dream.
  • The Right Mindset
    You need to think whether it is you to choose the school, or the school is going to choose you. It will make your whole application indifferently.
  • The Right Attitude
    No matter what happens, it is very competitive and there will be a lot of obstacles ahead and it will be time-consuming for the whole process. You need to have an attitude of crushing all obstacles!

It is always good the initiative comes from the students themselves.

Need more information on how we can help you? Come and speak with our Admissions Counselor: https://bit.ly/3teynbI

Mr. Hubert Ho

Head of Admissions Consulting Services, Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions
Associate Member of IECA, Member of NACAC and AEE
MCom (Finance), UNSW
BCom (Management & Marketing), University of Wollongong

  • 10 years+ of experience in education industry
  • 100% of his students got admitted to Top 3 choices & Top 50 US National Colleges and G5 UK Universities
  • Proven track record helping students gain admission to US prestigious colleges including Yale University, Stanford University, Cornell University, UCLA, UC-Berkeley, New York University, Boston University

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