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Should I apply to US, UK, or Canadian Universities?

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By Tina Wu | Lead Admissions Counselor, Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions

Where you choose to go to university is crucial- your undergraduate experience is much more than classroom learning; it can mold your personality, expand your social network, shapes your views about society, and launch you into a successful career.

As an international student looking to attend university abroad, the choice is often complex and confusing, with reputable universities scattered across the UK, US, and Canada. 

So, where should you start?

Admission to top Canadian universities, including the prestigious University of Toronto, is generally easier than admission to Oxbridge in the UK or Ivy League in the US. Admission to a Canadian University is mostly based on academics. In fact, you can easily find references as to the minimum academic requirement required to gain admission to a specific course at a specific Canadian university.

A lot of the top students we work with have their eyes set on top schools in the US and UK. While many UK universities’ admissions are academic-based, admissions to the top universities (especially Oxbridge) take a much more holistic approach. Strong academic performance (as indicated by grades and performance on admission tests) only earns you a ticket to the interview – your logical reasoning, critical thinking, and maturity will be put to the test during the interview.

All US universities, on the other hand, adopt a holistic approach to admissions. US universities believe in evaluating applicants’ potential, as evidenced by school grades, standardized testing, extracurricular activities, personal achievements, application essays, teacher recommendations, etc. To earn a place at one of the top US schools, you need to be so much more than just an “A” student; you need to demonstrate your personality, leadership, and potential.

Don’t delay your research! Your preparation could be drastically different depending on what universities and countries you’re applying to.

Need more information on how we can help you? Come and speak with Tina: https://bit.ly/3teynbI


Ms. Tina Wu

Lead Admissions Counselor

Member of IECA

M.B.A., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

BSc. In Accounting and Finance, New York University – Stern School of Business

  • A passionate mentor to students
  • Emphasis on understanding and developing her students’ strengths, positioning their potential to admissions office in the best possible light
  • Over 10 years of experience in helping students gain admissions to top boarding schools and colleges in the U.S.
  • Matriculation includes: Cornell University, University of Michigan, NYU, University of Virginia, UCLA and UC Berkeley

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