3 Things You Shouldn’t Do in SAT/ACT Reading“ 3 Things You Shouldn’t Do in SAT/ACT Reading ”分類:Index Banner Right, 應試錦囊, 美國中學及大學入學試
“What are my chances getting into an Ivy League school?”“ What are my chances of getting into an Ivy League school? ”分類:Index Banner Right, 應試錦囊, 美國中學及大學入學試
3 Most Common Mistakes in SAT/ACT Math“ Most students wonder why they keep on making careless mistakes in math even after they have spent a l⋯ ”分類:Index Banner Right, 應試錦囊, 美國中學及大學入學試
Does “Perfect” Student Profile Exist for Applying Top U.S. Colleges?“ Recently, a lot of parents and students asked me what a “perfect” student profile should look like fo⋯ ”分類:Index Banner Right, 應試錦囊, 美國中學及大學入學試
Score Inflation Phenomenon“ An increasing number of students would like to pursue their further studies in the U.S. Colleges. How⋯ ”分類:Index Banner Right, 應試錦囊, 美國中學及大學入學試
Early Decision (ED) Application as a Tactical Move for U.S. College Admissions“ In recent years, Early Decision (ED) has become a massive factor in the admissions process, and how t⋯ ”分類:Index Banner Right, 應試錦囊, 美國中學及大學入學試
品牌的價值“ 想做一個稱職leader,其中一樣條件就是要有廣闊心胸,願意聆聽其他人聲音。好多人認為要發表獨到意見就困難,純粹聽人意見應該好容易,但當你位高權重,就可能被權力及地位沖昏頭腦,走火入魔,其他人意見已經再⋯ ”分類:職場錦囊
Introduction of HKICPA QP examination process in Dec 2018 diet“ Introduction of HKICPA QP examination process in Dec 2018 diet ”分類:應試錦囊, 會計師專業試
Introduction of HKICPA FE in Dec 2018 diet“ Once candidates complete all Qualification Programme(QP […] ”分類:應試錦囊, 會計師專業試